This Morning When I Feel Like Floating

Almost started the day with a sigh. Wake up with very much sleepy mood. Tons of laundry was done late at night to avoid "D" :D It was past midnight and I was still texting the guys for B1 and B2. 

I never thought that I would reach a point in my adult life where I felt it necessary to avoid someone as if his very presence can bring death to me. Yuck.

So many things to do but I got so little time to finish everything. Why is time so fast? Can you slow down a little bit? Even if just for this year? And then what? Be my lazy butt once again?! :)

I arrived at the office with my colleague surprised that I'm wearing my uniform, and it dawned on me "I FORGOT!" We were advised to wear a Bohemian attire today. I really, really FORGOT! Today is supposed to be a fun day to be with the July Birthday Celebrants. Oh well, I might just not go downstairs. I don't want to ruin their photo session (but ssshhhh.. I will eat whatever they will feast on, once they are done, wink* wink*) I will have free dinner tonight from the snacks :)

Also today, is our Kiva Fellow's first day to report to CEVI. Her name is Yaris.
In the days to come, I will be very busy with work and will be doing many travels to branches soon.

At the moment, my muscles are in pain, as if a good night's sleep will be the best remedy.

Carpe Diem.


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