Almost Home After I Left "Home"

July 23, 2017 was the night when I had a spat with my father, AGAIN. I call him "D". Other member of my family knows what D stands for. Heck, why does he always find faults with everything?

Not to act like a scared cat, I stood up to the challenge that he cannot just simply do to me all the things that he did to my mother, for only God knows how many thousand times! I left home and this time around, I have no intention of making my plans a reality while he is still there. Not anymore, while my sanity is intact.

It occurred to me that what happened could be a sign that it is not my destiny to pursue my plans at home. Well, I used to call you "home" then. 

And so in a hurry I packed my bags and find a place to rent again in the City. At this moment, just for a month as a bedspacer and then later on move to my preferred "next home". 

Never did I realize that my boarding house's room is like an oven. 

Just so hot, that I can feel my sweat trickling on my skin while I slept. 

When my boss ask me to stay at her place, though hesitant, I said "yes!", and what a relief was that! 

To be in this place once again is the perfect contrast to what I am used to at "home", when everything is just a mess. 

Finally here, I can see beauty and order. Cleaner than what I can always remember back "home". And there are plants that are such a delight. 

Her room is airconditioned, a far cry to my oven-like room at my boarding house. Well, my boss can afford it, I cannot ;) At least not now :D

I like the sofa bed. I like her queen size bed. 

I like the books. I like looking at everything grandiose and beautiful things. I like THEIR things, but I don't want to buy one for self, just to borrow the books, yes. 

Even if I marvel at everything great at this place, I am still not longing to have them. The more I mature, the more I am determined to stay away from collecting things but to just hopefully have what I NEED. There's a difference. 

Still, I'm happy that our boss is staying in a place like this and that the owner was able to build an apartment as grand as these three units. A testament to their hard work  and a proof that you can do something and make something out of your plans. 

Maybe, everything just happened for a reason, after all. God allowing all these, so that my boss can ask me to stay with her, and for me to sleep comfortably at night.

At the moment, I might just as well enjoy the HOMEY feeling of staying here once in a while until I find my next home in the next town soon. I'm looking forward to that day :)

Carpe Diem :)


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