Missing Ma After Fieldwork!

We're done with six clients for our Borrower Verification.

Usually on moments like this, I'm so excited going home.

Field work usually drain my energy and nothing makes me feel better once again than being with my niece, nephews and seeing my mother and dogs.

But today, however, there is no excitement as I am not interested to go home. Would I go home to someone drunk once again? As I was on the boat, I have a heavy heart, longing for a comfortable place to come home to. No drunkard, just peace, tranquility, dogs, garden and hammock.

Something that I can just call my own, my very place of comfort.

I was not feeling well while on the boat from Hilongos to Ubay: feeling bloated, feeling like I wanna throw up, yawning for the hundredth time, feeling shortness of breath, sleepy, bored. Thanks to the White Flower from Yaris, I can at least focus and stay awake.

Will be staying in the City for some work finalization and stay at the boarding house.

At least here, I can choose not to be stressed by some people. By "some", I meant D :)

Well, many years ago I always enjoyed being by myself, alone. As an introvert, I would love to be just in a corner, reading a book. Well then, maybe I have to find that joy that I had once, once again.

Carpe diem :)


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