And She Is Back - Anxiety Attack

And you are back: ANXIETY ATTACK!

I think it was two years ago when I had this experience. Still fresh from my memory, I was reading the news about Israel and when people has to run for the bomb shelter, it hit me emotionally.
It was scary for me to imagine and then I went to sleep. After that moment, my body felt numb, I cannot almost breath, I felt cold, like my muscles gone very weak and mushy and sleeping was impossible. I felt like every part of my skin was soaked on iced water. I felt stressed.

It continue to happen many nights later. Eventually, I have to consult a Doctor.
That was my first time of being diagnosed with ANXIETY ATTACK.

I thought it was just a funny word. Never did it occur to me that such a thing can be so crippling, worrisome and will send me panicking everytime I will go to sleep. I was suffering secretly.
It was something I know most people cannot relate with.

Fast forward to two nights ago. I was watching a video of a child named Sophi Green. A girl adopted without arms, I was happy, until I learned about another adopted girl murdered by her parents. I read about Asunta Fong Yang and it was horrible. It was already past my bed time and the whole story was long.

My arms went weak, coupled with the memory of a friend’s father who died days ago and I was already miserable with all the picture of coffin.

I realized I have a NECROPHOBIA.
News of a child’s life being taken away by her parents and the memory of what was posted in FB on my friend’s father’s passing was the perfect recipe for my severe ANXIETY ATTACK on the second night.

It was terrible. I was miserable.

At 12midnight, I have to beg Oggi to stay with me in my room, but even Oggi seemed scared of me too :’( For the first time. Did he sense my anxiety?

I have to remember this. FEED YOUR MIND WITH BEAUTIFUL THINGS, NOT CRAPPY ONES for good mental health.

Even GOD commanded us to:

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.


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