HOMEy Saturday :)

Going home has been part of the plan, but thinking how chaotic life there is, I decided to just stay here.

YET, God seemed to hear my heart. He showered me with HIS other means to make me happy still. I met these girls a few days back. They took care of my OGGI :)

Yes and from time to time they come back to ask for my dog again.

Not so boring.

So there. I asked Russel and Indie to buy 2 sachets of Tabliya and one sachet of Swak Bear Brand milk powder.

So here I had a snack for all of us. YEHEY!

Perfect time, because I feel like cooking something for us. I like the fact that I can cook and some kids are there to eat it :)


Sweating but enjoying while it is still hot :)

Russel and Indie.

They were able to find their place too :)

The sweet life :)


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