Cultivating Dependency

Almost everyday, this is how she spent her day. Already a grandmother, and looking after eight grandchildren.
She is always washing tons of clothes. I asked her and told her why does she have to do it all herself. Her answer was: I cannot trust that my grandchildren will be able to do it right.

I said "But we will all grow old and weak, how about teaching them now and just trusting them so that they will learn, to lessen your burden. Besides, it will be hard for them to learn when they are a lot older too."

After that talk, I noticed one of the grandson helping but was scolded for not doing it right. Lol :D
Well, she should just learn to trust and not expect too much from them if they cannot meet her standard, lest she is cultivating an attitude of dependency on her grandchildren. They will grow to become lazy and irresponsible people. 


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