Ewww - Am I Even A Lady? :D

Sometimes, I wonder if God really made me a girl. Did HE forgot that I should be a boy? For one, I don't care much about my looks. Sometimes, I felt like I don't comb my hair as often as needed, because that has been the comments of many people. They usually tell me "kagkag imong buhok" (your hair is a mess). Second, I'm not fascinated with girly stuff or clothes. 

I can survive going anywhere in shirts, shorts and slippers. I'm your SSS kind of girl you know ~ Low maintenance, dude!

When other girls have dyed their hair purple and painted their nails beautifully, I am just not into it.

I remember one time, my mother told me "Have some manicure and pedicure and I will be the one to pay for it". The fact that she has no job and the money is coming from my sisters, it was how serious that she think of me to look after myself. But to which I replied with my staunch "NO!"

Maybe she is worried why can't I care about my looks.
This yucky nails of mine was done by my sister one weekend. But after handwashing my dirty clothes a few days later, this is what I got now. It is so ugly but I don't have anything to remove this. Can I just use a knife to scratch this off? Lol :D

Don't ask me why I am single. Maybe because I don't mind how I look and so nobody wants that.
But hey, I'm mindful with using anti-perspirant. I don't have a smelly armpit like others! Haha :D

If a man can take all this ugliness, then you must be very special :P
After this is removed, I will never have a manicure again. The reason? It needs maintenance. I don't really like wasting my time, painting a nail. I'm too lazy for this. 

Yes, this part of me is not something I should even be proud of. BUT this is my place and I'm putting here my thoughts. Take it or leave it :)


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