The Most Beautiful Poop

Since Saturday, Oggi, my dog has been vomiting. I was worried. I just tried to observe thinking he has an upset stomach.

But it never stopped. He refused food and I never saw him defecate again. And that means 3 days! 
So lonely at the floor of the vet's clinic. His lethargy makes me nervous :(

Ole Clinic staff taking blood from Oggi.

Come Monday, I become restless and I cannot concentrate at work. Thinking of my dog dying at home made me wanted to cry inside so I decided to visit a veterinary clinic during my lunch break. They have done blood test on him to really see what's wrong. 

P500.00! WHOA! Even more expensive than human's blood test :(

NEGATIVE! I'm happy!

When I arrived home,  I feed him a little and he ate a little, then a lot.

At morning, I saw it! He has poop! 
Finally! I never thought I would see a poop and look at it so beautifully. Eww.

But because it means a little bit of Oggi's recovery, so it means a lot to me :)

Carpe Diem :)


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