Broken Heart Remedy - Nature

As I face this uncomfortable feeling, I am happy that there is a little way to distract me - NATURE!
For a little while I was entertained by the escape we made, with Monya, my sister and my nephew.

The  SAVIMA Boardwalk in San Vicente, Maribojoc, Bohol.

The rocky cliff at the end of the boardwalk has the freshest air in the whole of Bohol, I believed. I want to go back there someday and sleep the whole afternoon ;)

Nature is always my best friend.

And I was comforted by this verse when I check one:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will make your paths straight."
-Proberbs 3:5-6

Going to sleep with a grateful heart. Thank you Lord :)


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