Dealing with Neighbours

It started last April 30, 2018. The day I am supposed to pay my apartment rental.

I have saved the money for my rent’s due. Unfortunately, my neighbour had an emergency. A lady of 60+ years, with eight grandchildren entrusted to her by her own children. 

What a life! 

She is my neighbour with such a heavy burden in life looking after these eight kids, when three of her daughters are working in Japan. For one, I always see her doing this.

Don’t get me wrong, these kids are wonderful and a delight to look at. I am even friends with the two boys who are twins. But watching this woman, working for all of them, reminds me of my mother, who should not be working anymore after we became an adult.

So, that fateful day, I learned that her oldest grandchild, a boy, has met an accident using the motorbike. He had to slam his motorbike to a post or else he will have collided with an oncoming van. He’s got bruises, together with his Aunt and cuts to his arms, etc. The grandmother shared that they have a CT scan at the hospital and other expenses related to it.

One of her daughter in Japan was frantically begging me to let her borrow Php4,000.00. In the end I relented and let her, knowing that there is an emergency and I cannot imagine her worry from afar.  

We agreed that she will be paying me back within the coming month. But many months later, well, it took four more months before I got paid back. After almost a DAILY follow up. I was frustrated and I had call her daughter irresponsible for not keeping her word.

My relationship with her mother changed since then, I distance myself from them and they to me. I felt relieved that I don’t have to deal with them anymore. I started to have this “I DON’T CARE” attitude. I felt sad that it came to be like that, for something that started nicely.

September 19, 2018:

I was surprised when someone called outside my door. There, standing was one of my neighbour’s daughter, she is asking permission from me to allow them to plug their extension wire and to use my electricity so they can use their fan for the kids.

WHOA, their electricity was cut again by the provider, for unpaid bills. It happened many times already. I pity them, because of the kids. And maybe, it took so much from her to face me to ask for that favor. As an Aunt myself, I felt for the kids so I said “yes” I let them use my electricity.

After 30 minutes, I heard someone calling again. When I opened the door, the daughter gave this to me: Carbonara and Chocolate Cake.

She said that:

“someone from the family celebrated a birthday!”

For someone to celebrate a birthday in the dark and in discomfort with mosquitoes and humidity is just beyond me.

I thank God for the grace and the spirit to respond with a “YES” even if I still remember our past exchange of words.

 ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[a] There is no commandment greater than these.” 
 Mark 12:31

Besides, food can always heal a broken heart, lol :D Specially if this is given by a neighbour. Reminds me of how life was when I was a kid, when neighbours give each other food as a sign of caring, helping each other and sense of community :)


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