Chronic Otitis Media - My Pain

Yesterday, the pain that I have to endure is almost crippling. I sent my boss a text that I cannot be at work for the day since I will visit my ENT Doctor.

My right ear is leaking a combination of water and blood, I guess. It hurts like hell. My ear infection is back. This is my nightmarish moments, not only because I am in pain but because there is NO Intellicare-accredited ENT in Bohol. 

As usual, it has to be from my pocket. I have the option to have it refunded by Intellicare but the process is kinda tedious.

This has been my cross for a long time now. I cannot go swimming. End of my snorkeling days.
But  if I remember my father's cousin who died recently because of Tumor in Pancreas, it made me want to repent for my complaining heart.

At the end of the day, I still have a more healthy body compared to others. And next year, I will have my TYMPANOPLASTY.


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