My Mother's Baby until I am 60 ~

How to know that my mother really loved me? 
Well, it was proven again that night (September 11, 2018) when I was given Berly's chocolate 200g. It was from a family friend from England. My mother knows how much I love chocolates.
Even if she's aware that I already had mine, the same as hers, still she gave to me her share :D
I am so happy :)

Well, before you call me selfish for giving in to her gesture, my mother is actually advised to avoid eating sweets like chocolates because of her hypertension and heart problem. So you see, I was actuall helping her, lol :D

But well, I really know that the gesture alone was so MOTHERLY.
I know I will forever be my mother's baby, even if I will reach 60 :D


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