A Christmas in My Heart!

It seems to me like the Christmas nowadays is celebrated with a lot of noise and SELF-centeredness instead of focusing on the reason for the season or the GIVER. I can hardly feel the joy that I had once when I was six to twelve years old. Everything has changed. I noticed people getting super busy trying to please their families, buying gifts, spending a Christmas Party in hotels, applying for a loan, taking a vacation as if all these are a must-dos. And at the end of the season, becoming BROKE. 

I have a dream. That a Christmas experience that I will have in the future, will be:

  1. Peaceful
  2. Debt-free
  3. Gift-free
  4. Expense-free (because I am not giving any gift at this particular season)
  5. Relaxing
  6. Just by myself, away from anyone and feel GOD in the truest sense of the word
  7. Listening and enjoying all the Christmas carols that I used to enjoy when I was a child
  8. Lying and relaxing in a comfortable King-size bed, somewhere far, for two nights. Or and if I may add or if it is possible, somewhere in a cabin, where it is snowing.
  9. Have the best hot soup instead of those tiring to prepare Noche Buena for a change
  10. Reading a good book

Carpe Diem ;)


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