Here We Go Again - Is This Necessary?

And here we go again. Every time there is a preparation or event that is going to happen to our office, I just wanted to keep my ears shut. Not to hear anything. I can anticipate loud talks, hustle and bustle of everyone, petty and stressful arguments. I’m not interested to be honest. It always entail preparation of what to buy, what costume to  wear. Everything that is not necessary to flatter ourselves for an hour.

As I looked at the things that I have collected because of these events and parties, I am disgusted. Some are bought once and never used again.

My introvert self is not happy. When I am surrounded by a lot of people and a crowd where I have to engage in talks even if I am not comfortable with their presence, I felt so annoyed.

When I am left alone, I’m at my happiest mood. But with many noise and people, I feel like I am going to explode and just wanna walk out.


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