Change, how sad can you be :(

Today, I felt heart-broken.
But I also wanted to convince myself that it has to end.

I happened to read this on my wall:

"Don't put your life on hold waiting for "closure". Any ending, no matter how it comes about, is closure. You can't put a cherry on top of every sundae. Sometimes, things just end because they're supposed to end."

So timely.

I checked S and sent a short IM.
He replied, and that is enough for me.
I felt it was already the right time not to come back to say anything.

Someday, I hope I can look back and laugh at how childishly I act on this and that by then, it will not matter anymore because I am already in a better place.

Someday, I can only hope.

For now, I have to get out of the room, even if I might stumble on my way to the door.

c'est la vie


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