Dear Self - Tips For A Stress-Free Life

Dear Self,

I'm doing this to self so that I can live with a clearer head, from now on.
Heck it's Jan. 2, 2020.

1) Avoid doing favors by letting other people use my credit card, if she/he is not conscious with on-time payment. What a headache!
2) Sleep for 8 hours every night
3) Drink at least the water that I prepared at the office for hydration
4) Travel
5) Apply the "stay away from people's problem rule"
6) Choose who to engage in conversation
7) Practice maximum tolerance
8) If I can pay in cash, pay in cash - do not use credit card (again, what a headache!)
9) Patience and understanding to aging parents, before they will complain try to be far away so as to pretend I cannot hear them, their arguments (specially Mom's) LOL
10) Avoid being a comaker to other people's loans

I will add more once I have ideas :)

Photo Credit: Jefty Matricio


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