What's Happiness For You?

A well-meaning friend had this to say to me "You deserve to be happy".
Am I not? How do people define happiness then? It happened after many exchanges of chat through messenger and she advised me to match with her Uncle who is living in Oregon, USA. She said that her Uncle is asking her to look for a match for him. Or something like a girlfriend thing. Wow!
At 38, this does not appeal to me anymore. As a Filipina, this is even absurd, at least for me.
It is not usually me to go after men (yes, still conservative even at my old age). I felt disgusted if I am the one to do that. It's just that, for me, if men is looking, then he has to do the searching. 

Even if I can pretend to be doing the searching, just to please my friend, and get connected with her Uncle in Oregon, it will not last long. Because in my heart of hearts, to be the one to do the approaching as a woman to a man, is NOT really my personality. 

And I was taken aback by the "You deserve to be happy." statement.
As long as I live, as long as I am breathing with no illness or health problem, it always brings happiness to me. Or even if things are not so pleasant, as long as we have God in our hearts and we can endure, that brings happiness too.

Just like when someone said "If you want to be happy, be shallow!" And I can definitely say, I'm so shallow in MANY ways. And that brings peace and happiness. 

I commit to living a happy life alone or with someone else. Having someone else, is just a bonus for an ALREADY happy existence. I also told her this. And she said "Kakaiba ka." (You are different). Whatever that means to her, whether negatively or positively. 

In a little way, I'm also happy that I was able to share a different flow of thought or perspective, even to just one person. 

Are all married people happy too? I bet not ;)

Photo Credit: Lisa Runnels


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