Quarantine Diaries 5/4/20 - Biko

Biko is a snack common in the Philippines. This is not my favorite but that of my parents and my brother. 
However, there are times that I'm craving to have a bite of this snack just to fill that feeling that I miss its taste.
The good thing is, my Supervisor during my partime days when I was still in College is now into cooking this type of food as her additional business. I consider this to be the best of taste.

So I asked my brother to bring his phone on his way to work, so I can contact him in the afternoon.
I went to the mall for some groceries and by 5pm I called my brother so I can give him the biko.

We met at Mang Tinapay bakery. I got emotional seeing him. Since the quarantine started I have not been home for almost 2 months now. When home is just ten minutes away from where I live.
I never thought that seeing my brother this pandemic with a biko that they all love felt so sweet.

I'm glad I did something that would remind them that I'm also thinking of them at this time.

For now, that's my tale of BIKO :)


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