Back to Work for Unknown Days (6 of 365)

Office seemed unfamiliar now. I guess, with the many days of being at home, I have become lazy. I don't know but our office doesn't feel like I'm excited to be there anymore. During lunch, Ma'am M had a dinuguan that tasted so yum. I'm not fond of dinuguan, I find it disgusting, but the one that my boss cooked is so good. I plan to ask a recipe.

My boss approved my ten days worth of Work From Home, but everyday is just an equivalent of half day's work. Oh well :( M and O is back to working regularly until end of this month, my decision :D

Our Admin allowed me to borrow a new laptop that was intended for our Operations Manager. It's a DELL Inspiron 14 5000. Very light and fancy for me :)

Today's duty is just 10AM to 3PM, after which, I went to the hospital so that our papers can be signed by the priest for submission to DSWD, but he's still not there. I decided to instead just leave it there and asked the billing staff to have it handed to Fr. Lukas. She agreed. Thank you, Lord.

I find HNU hospital's staff more accommodating than other hospitals in the City. They have given me a reason to patronize their service in spite some shortcomings at some point too. 


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