Bath - How You Became So Special (11 of 365)

After 21 days, my mother has finally had the chance to feel the pleasure of water, soap and shampoo for a bath. She's like a child really happy with her bath. I never thought, that giving her a bath would be as enjoyable as this. To literally serve her in her old age is very comforting too.

I realized it is not a burden, but a privilege to look after our aging parents. Maybe a lot of women wish they have their mothers at my age. Many children lost their mother when they were still young. How lucky of me to still have her, even at this age :) 

Now, I wonder, as a childless woman, who's going to look after me if my time comes?

Yet, I also remember how great God has been in the many lives that we have witnessed where it was HIM who only provide.


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