Rainy Sunday (4 of 365)

I decided to go home today. Any available time to be with mother has become so precious.
It was raining and I have to buy a new smartphone for my sister-in-law.  We met at BQ. We chose a Huawei for herself since her smartphone was damaged already. She seemed very happy with her new baby phone. Indeed, the smartphone was really good and the camera was nice too.

My sister and my brother-in-law was there too.
I thank God for them because I don't have to pay for the fare of public transport and moving around was easy due to the car they used.

I also have to pick up the biko ( a sweet dessert) from Miss J, that I sell to the people who made an order from our village. This has been a little sideline business recently. Delivered one tub for Nina, my cousin's daughter.

I spent the afternoon just at home and I cooked chicken soup and pechay with beef in the evening for our dinner :)

Night time was shocking for me. I felt the pain for the passing of my friend's father. It was so sudden and an unfortunate one. She has so many dreams for her hardworking father, and many plans for the future too. But everything can't happen anymore :(

Life is so short.


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