Miley Cyrus Saved My Sanity Today (34 of 365)

These days, I'm always feeling ill. Tired, most times. I wonder if this is what they call lethargic. I can't even seem to focus, got neck pains too. I felt like I'm just floating. Even walking, I feel like I would just faint somewhere. Night sleeps were delayed due to anxiety attack (though not severe, thank you, Lord!)

I guess, the stress of worrying about my mother's health, having stroke last May 31 took a toll on my health. Yesterday, during my break time, I gather video links of music that destresses. But it never helped.

Today, I tried a different one, something that seems happy and a little loud. And I remember how my niece listened to this which made me happy at home like a kid too. So I played Miley Cyrus' "Party In The USA" and boom - it produced that good feeling that I have been hoping to get :)

Followed by "The Climb" :)

Wow, and Miley saved my day :)

Photo Credit: Glamour


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