Happy Birthday, Mama! (223 of 365)

At Ecostay Panglao Resort Hotel

Watching an afternoon drama :)

Today is my mother's 66th birthday! Yey! :)
That's a total of 24,090 days living in this wonderful world. Wow!I hope God will give me a long life too. 
She has been through a lot. Decades of emotional torture and misery. She is quiet about it, but I know.
I know because of D.
To be a wife and a mother is something that she embraced without much complaints.
She is strong in her own way.
Last May 31, she had a stroke and it changed everything. I thought we'd lost her then :(
The realization about life's brevity was very clear to me then. It made me see that to live life happily, it has to be intentional. No buts and ifs if I can, not randomly, but INTENTIONALLY. 
We can't have everything figured out since life is unpredictable.
Thus, the dream to have a staycation with her for 2 nights at Panglao was born.
It was precious to me. We were there just relaxing and sleeping, and eating. 
We have switched places, because I had the chance to give her a bath like a child because she complained that the shower was "init" (hot) when she meant cold :)
So yeah, the stroke may have rob you of some other things that are important to you like your perfect memory, but it has turned into a blessing :)

Happy 66th, Mama :)


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