An Ending Can Be A New Beginning :)

I like reading articles of travel bloggers. But I never thought that the traveling couple I liked has already divorced from her husband. Or should I say her husband is the one who filed the divorce.

In her post, Kach Howe shared the below lessons in her marriage. The exact tips can be found here.

"1. Make sure to ALWAYS be financially independent. I’ve been working most of my life even at 7 years old so I could have my own allowance that would give me the freedom to buy whatever things I wanted and whenever I want.

2. Have your own savings. Separate your source of income from your spouse and just have a mutual bank account that would pay the shared bills. Your business is yours, his business is his. I’ve learned this the hard way of not having my own bank account for the last 7 years and only put my hard-earned income in my ex’s name.

3. For future relationships, don’t forget to set boundaries. Always know what you can accept or not. If there are red flags or this person always triggers you, just walk away immediately. You’ll always go back to the old cycle, stay aware, and better focus on self-love.

4. Don’t think that ending a marriage, you’re a failure. It’s not and stop thinking that you’re a victim. I’ve been feeling like that and been blaming myself but it’s not only me, It happens all the time.

5. Stop making sad stories - whatever your mind thinks, you’d attract. Yep, I’ve been doing this and wondering why I’ve been physically sick and accidents were happening, etc. but the stress has been too much. So slow down, recoup, meditate and practice gratitude.

6. Allow yourself to grieve - face it!!! If you don’t feel sad at all then there’s something wrong with you. My biggest mistake is that I made myself busy and very occupied so I will forget the pain but then when I’m alone that’s when I’m having an emotional breakdown. FACE IT right away - write in your journal.

7. See a psychotherapist - yes, your family and friends are there to listen to you and they will most probably tell you things that you only want to hear. Seeing a shrink doesn’t mean you’re crazy or have a personality disorder, thank God I’ve seen one (and a psychiatrist) to confirm that I don’t have a “problem” but to finally have a professional help you to get through this most challenging life event that could happen in your life (aside from the death of a loved one and other things.)

8. For practicality and for the future - Sign a pre-nuptial agreement when you get married - even though you don’t have that much money (yet!) but have big dreams.

9. You’ll only know more about the person when they don’t get what they want… don’t be surprised when your ex turned out to be a different person after the separation. Mine filed so many civil cases against me, glad the court and Universe are on my side. The truth will always prevail.

10. Focus on your HEALTH. After my gallbladder surgery, the stress made me start drinking and not eating… I had more health complications that’s when I realized that I should really focus on being healthy so I’ve slept more hours, laugh more often and that I can still have fun and go to parties without drinking alcohol."

Life has to be accepted for what it is, and we can just be excited of all the beautiful possibilities of what is yet to come. 


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