My Biggest Fears


So now, I’m 40 years old. Single and will turn 41 four days from now.

I used to be ashamed of my age because to most people, I should have been married by now. Or to my 13-year-old niece, I am already old. Lol.

Not that I care though. I am happy and fulfilled. That’s my kind of achievement, if this can be called an achievement.

Well, every time I think of my older sister who died at the age of two, I am reminded of how blessed I am to have reached this age.


With age, comes the fear of the unknown.

What I fear now is, getting sick and not achieving some of my dreams. I still dream of traveling and seeing Europe. And if I can afford it, to see Antarctica.

If getting sick and not being able to have enough savings to experience those dreams.

Second thing that I fear is that of dying young and not seeing Sush and Nat what they will eventually accomplish in life. Sush is the baby that I have fostered since she’s two days old (she’s six months now) and Nat, the son that I will soon have through adoption.

So there. Those are my fears. Still I hope, those are nothing but "fears". I'm sure God has wonderful plans :)


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