I was jealous :'(


Living in my new place is like being baked in an oven.

Especially since there are no trees surrounding the row houses where we are in. I endure. I have endured since February of this year (2022). I’m okay with it as an adult, but having two babies now, I am hurting for them. It is just too HOT.

TOO HOT is an understatement. It is a forgiving word. Sometimes I can feel Sush soaking at her back with sweat. Or she would cry because the electric fan is spewing hot air already.

I dreamed of aircon so they can sleep peacefully. But the split-type one, which is as advised is very expensive, like 30-40K pesos ($526-$702) at the appliance centers. That is, if I take it in cash. If I have to take it on installment, how much more expensive can it get. Sigh.

Yesterday, my neighbour’s unit has finally had one. Wow.

I was jealous. I’m envious. If this is sinful, so okay, I have sinned. And so be it.

I grab this picture from the FB page of the service provider “Bohol Aircon Technician”.  This is exactly my neighbour’s place. I even saw them installing, documenting and taking picture of what they have accomplished.

Their service fee for the installation of the aircon unit is Php6,500.00

Wow, how nice must it feel to sleep at night with that (whistling ~) .

I hope my turn will be soon.

Maybe, I can’t afford it now, but sometimes God sent surprises. I claim it J


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