I Felt Offended For Them :(


Last Friday was the day when we had our first big group devotion for 2024.

I'm not against it, but I am always against something if it is imposed on me :(

There was a sharing after the facilitator's part. We have two OJTs in our group, and I told my colleagues to just make it "optional" for them to share IF they wanna say or share something.

However, some people from the group are all for it, to let them really share their thoughts.

Shi is a SHY type. It was an awkward moment for me, because I have been in their shoes once.

I'm all for allowing people to grow FIRST and have a grasp of the culture, and not force them to embrace our practice and put them in an uncomfortable situation.

I can see what's coming. Sadly, Shi ended up crying while sharing. Maybe because out of nervousness :(

I feel you Shi.

If only, they can show empathy, but sometimes, I feel like they just want to show how they can "bully" in a guise of being a "Christian".


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