I Learned My Lesson



I am gullible!

I wish I don’t feel compassion right away. Sometimes, I just wanna close my eyes and not look at the miserable life of other people. Mine is miserable too, anyway ;) Financially, at least.

Last week, I was aware that my colleagues’ sons are having their birthdays for May 5.

But as I am aware too, their finances are worse than mine. So I decided to buy both boys, T and Y, a small cake for each one of them. At least, that was my plan. .

Well, unfortunately, on a Sunday (May 5) I messaged T’s mother of my plan to take the kids to a pool for swimming. But she never replied. And along the way, when I made an inquiry at the hotel, for the rate, I found out, that for their age, it is FREE!

It made me laugh because this means, we adults, the parents are then compelled to go swimming so at least the hotel can earn. But I cannot, because it was the second day of my period. Cannot turn the pool red because of it, lol. So I decided to message T’s Mom that I just had cancel it at the moment.

Still, no response. So she is not online.

I find this very irresponsible because we talked about this a week before, the latest was May 3. So how can she even forget? Or she is just sort of passive and she does not care of other people’s efforts. To put this bluntly. She is so insensitive. I have enough!

That leaves me with Y. His mother was fast to tell me that she was really broke and have no plans of preparing for anything, a week prior. So even with two small kiddos of my own, we went to check on that small cake that I promised.

I was so tired, kids were tired and even sleeping at the multicab. I told M to just pick up Y’s cake at a certain place near the church, the moment we alight from the vehicle.

There, her hubby appeared to take the cake, but instead asked us to be at their home for some spaghetti. How I wish I said No.

Again, kids were tired and they were still cooking a lot of food in fact. I was surprised.

To make it short, before the night ended, there were three cakes.

How I wish I am not too gullible.

On another note, T's day was another story. If only his Mom made sure that we connect on that day, his cake would have been there. For him! But she chose not to, and to forget what we agreed on.

I learned my lesson. It could have saved me 300. Or the cake should have ended for T. 

Next time, I will not be too quick to be compassionate  ;) 

Still, I am glad the boys are healthy and that should be the reason to smile on a BIRTH DAY!



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