A Godly Woman's Advice To Her Teenage Daughter, I Will Remember :)
Teach With Joy author shared this on her page.
A Godly advice for a daughter's struggles and confusion.
This is worth taking notes of
For my niece Dara and for my baby girl Sushmita
1. Don’t wait for people to engage you. Engage them.
2. Ask questions and listen.
3. Show genuine interest in what people like, what matters to them.
4. Be happy for what others accomplish and what they have (beauty, skills, stature, popularity, wealth etc.). God allots to each person according to his good will and purpose. There’s no need to compare or feel inferior.
5. Learn from others.
6. Develop your own areas of giftedness and talent so you can be a blessing and point people to God.
7. Avoid mindless scrolling on social media because this feeds discontent and insecurity.
8. Pray for good friends and surrender to God your struggles and longings for validation.
9. Invest in your relationships at home.
10. When you feel alone, remember that you are beloved to God, beloved to your family. 

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