Falling In Love with Baclayon

For the longest time, I have been longing to find a place that I can call my own.
I found it here in Baclayon. I’m so in-love with this town. It is almost perfect for me, in its simplicity. Maybe, not an ideal to some, but this is something I really cherish.
Living here and finding this place is precious to me.

Why do I love this place?

Here are the reasons that I can think of:
-          This is close to the City, like 5 minutes ride
-          There are many multicab, jeepneys or even buses coming from other town, going to the City, so this    means I have so many options, unlike in my home town of Dauis
-          A few minutes walk across the main road and there is the sea, I can relax there
-          I live in a house surrounded by trees, its cool and sooo green
-          I can raise dogs in this place YEHEY!
-          The house is not very near the road, so there is minimal noise (unlike in my parents’ home where it       is dangerous for dogs and children to be out of the house because of so many vehicles)
-          I felt safe here because my landlady is married to a man I know since I was a child
-          The neighboring houses are clean and spacious
-          The house I am living is all mine, with rooms, toilet and kitchen
-          I even have potted plants: herbs and vegetables J
-          I’ve got friends in some kids here too

If there are things that is a struggle to me are these:
-The house is so full of frass, like every second it fell on the floor/bed everywhere
-It is located a little bit up in a hilly location so coming here is like a struggle for my mother who is not fit for the climb and long walks because of her weak heart and lungs
-I can’t seem to find fertile soil in any area, it is just so full of tiny rocks in it
-When it rain so hard and I am wearing an office uniform, it is difficult to walk on my way down to the road for the public transport.

Well, even with its negative side, still the positive ones are more favorable to me than my struggle.
This may not the be the best for MANY people, but I felt like I’m in heaven already for having this opportunity to live here peacefully.
Thinking of moving again soon unto uncertainty makes me feel like I have a divided heart.


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